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New student excited to participate in NDSU gene expression and cancer research

Published August 2016

Zoe Leuthner is excited to walk through NDSU’s main gates for the first time and start her life as a college student.

She’s an incoming freshman selected to represent her class at the President’s Welcome. She will accompany President Dean L. Bresciani as they lead the annual student procession through the university gate on the first day of classes. She’ll also give an address to her gathering classmates.

Leuthner is another an example of high-achieving students who choose NDSU. She was the valedictorian of her high school class in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. She’s a Presidential Scholarship recipient and scored a perfect 36 on her ACT test.

She is looking forward to diving into NDSU’s academic and extracurricular activities and getting fully immersed in campus life. “NDSU has everything I was looking for; it made sense on a lot of levels. It has a great combination of size, programs and opportunities,” Leuthner said. “NDSU seems like a great environment that’s fun and enriching.”

Leuthner describes NDSU as the perfect place to study biochemistry and molecular biology as she prepares for a career in medicine. “NDSU was close to my hometown, it’s an affordable option and the university is a leader in research. That’s really appealing to me,” she said, noting she wants to take part in NDSU’s many student research opportunities. “Genetics and neuroscience interest me and professors at NDSU are conducting research in gene expression and cancer. I think that is fascinating.”

Leuthner’s main focus will be on her studies and research, but she has other interests as well. She played oboe in her high school band and wants to continue playing. “I’ll try to fit that in. I don’t want to get over-extended, but I hope to find time for music,” she said.

Leuthner was delighted and impressed by the personal attention she received through NDSU’s admission process. She received a welcoming text from President Bresciani and a handwritten note from her admission counselor.

“Zoe worked very hard and excelled in high school; she’s a phenomenal student,” said Merideth Sherlin, director of admission. “I don’t expect her to do any less here. She is the kind of student who will make the most of every opportunity she is given at NDSU and be a leader in the classroom.”

Student Focused. Land Grant. Research University.

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Last Updated: Friday, September 02, 2016 2:24:49 PM
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