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Faculty member interviewed for stories

Photo of Carrie Johnson

Carrie Johnson

Carrie Johnson, Extension personal and family finance specialist and associate professor, is featured in two recent articles published by

In “Beginner’s Guide to Credit Card Basics and How They Work,” by the MoneyGeek editorial staff, Johnson’s advice included, “Make sure you are only charging what you can pay off at the end of the month—work charges into your monthly budget. Don’t charge more than you can afford. Keep track of what you charge throughout the month and make sure you are not overspending.”

Johnson was one of 32 experts from across the country interviewed for the story.

She also was among nine professionals interviewed for another piece titled “Ultimate Guide to Paying Down Student Loan Debt,” by freelance writer Ingrid Cruz.

In that story, Johnson addressed a question related to repayment options. “Each borrower must decide what works best for their situation. There is no repayment plan that is better than another,” she said. “Borrowers must first determine what their goals are related to their student loan debt. For example, a borrower who finds a good-paying job right out of college and has no or limited other debts may decide to repay their loans using the standard repayment plan so they can pay them off quicker and pay less interest over the life of the loan. Another example would be if the borrower would qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, they would want to choose an income-driven repayment plan. Additionally, borrowers with less income may choose to lower their monthly payments by selecting an income-driven repayment plan.”

Johnson joined NDSU in 2016. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota; master’s degree at South Dakota State University, Brookings; and her doctorate in family and consumer science education at Iowa State University, Ames.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, August 01, 2023 11:27:59 AM
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