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NDSU professor co-edits special issue of Group Dynamics

Photo of Verlin Hinsz

Verlin Hinsz

Verlin Hinsz, Dale Hogoboom Presidential Professor of psychology, has co-edited a special issue of the journal Group Dynamics that was published this September.

The special issue focuses on the group dynamics, group processes, and small group phenomena associated with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The issue attempts to explain and understand the insurrection from perspectives in the research literatures of group dynamics and group performance, as well as offer some practical implications from the field for how to respond to similar situations in the future.

Three of the issue’s articles are available as open access, in particular an article on “Why were the police attacked on January 6th?”

Hinsz earned his bachelor’s degree at NDSU and his master’s degree in social psychology and doctorate in social-organizational psychology from the University of Illinois.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, August 01, 2023 11:27:59 AM
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