Webinar: Supporting Students with Mental Health Concerns

Learn about the most common mental health concerns facing college students today.

Webinar: Supporting Students with Mental Health Concerns

Learn about the most common mental health concerns facing today’s college students (e.g., anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, substance use concerns), how to recognize these concerns, how to talk to a student about such concerns, and how to refer a student to the appropriate help for the concern.


Bill Burns, Ph.D.

Director // NDSU Counseling Center

Bill Burns is a licensed psychologist in the State of North Dakota and  he is currently completing is 17th year as the director of the NDSU Counseling Center.  Prior to coming to NDSU he was the Director of Counseling Services at St. Lawrence University (upstate New York).  He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Minnesota-Morris, a Master’s degree in Community Counseling from Truman State University, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Iowa State University.


Join The Webinar

This event is FREE and open to all educators regionally and nationally in both higher education and the K-12 system. Individuals will login to the webinar using their Zoom account. 


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