
The latest news, announcements, and happenings from all OTL programs.

Peer Teaching - Apply Today for Fall Semester

The Peer Teaching program is a personalized partnership between two faculty members and/or instructional staff with a shared vision of improving teaching and learning at NDSU. If you would like to work with a peer teaching partner for fall semester, please complete the online form by Friday, September 6, 2024.

Track 1: Formal – Peer Teaching Review
With the Peer Teaching Review (PTR) option, participants will be matched with a senior faculty member trained in formal pedagogy review.

Track 2: Informal – Peer Teaching Partnership
The Peer Teaching Partnership (PTP) is similar to the program that has been offered by OTL in recent years, where you are partnered with other teaching faculty members and instructional staff at NDSU to evaluate each other’s teaching.

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