Annual Notice of Policies/ Designated Medical Provider

NDSU participates in the WorkForce Safety and Insurance (WSI), also known as Worker's Compensation, and ND OMB/Risk Management Programs (RMP). As such, NDSU is required to comply with the requirements of the "Designated Medical Provider," "Immediate Reporting Law," and "Annual Notice of Policies Covered under the ND Risk Management Program" provisions.

It is an annual requirement for all employeese to review the notice of polices and list of DMPs. 

This training is on Vector via DocuSign. 

Annual Notice of Policies/Designated Medical Provider

ANP/DMP for the 2025 fiscal year will began July 1, 2024, with a due date of September 30, 2024. 

For those hired after September 30, 2024, complete obligation within 60 days. 

ANP/DMP in Vector Solutions

Annual Notice of Policies and Designated Medical Provider is obligated in Vector Solutions. Competions of this obligation are uploaded into Vector Solutions on a weekly basis. If you do not see your completion in Vector Solutions please allow at least 7 business day from date of completions before contacting Human Resourses or the Safety Office about your completion as this is a manual process. 


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