BisonSpark Talks 2025

2025 BisonSpark Talks Presenters
Julia Bowsher, Professor and Chair, Biological Sciences
How do bees age? We have made an interesting observation that bee telomeres increase with age, which is the opposite pattern than in humans. Why does this happen?
Kimberly Booth, Associate Professor of Practice, Biological Sciences
What is the importance of science communication?
Warren Christensen, Professor, Physics
How can investigations into mathematics and physics education eliminate barriers for majors in science and engineering?
Glenn Dorsam, Associate Professor, Microbiological Sciences
VIP: A tale of two species from farm profits to obesity resistance.
Milsha George, Research Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology
Seed health: How can farmers get good quality seed to prevent loss caused due to pathogens?
Erin Gillam, Professor, Biological Sciences
Are bat populations in North Dakota declining and why does it matter if they are?
Britt Heidinger, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
Raising awareness and providing information about the impact of bird window strikes on the NDSU campus.
Jaeha Lee, Professor, Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design
How can we improve clothing accessibility and shopping experiences for individuals with Down syndrome to enhance their comfort, independence, and overall quality of life?
Ganapathy Mahalingam, Professor, Architecture
How can you tell if a building is healthy for you? We have developed a methodology to calibrate a built environment using biosensing equipment to indicate whether the built environment would improve the health of its inhabitants.
Joshua Marineau, Associate Professor, Management
How does ADHD in adults affect interpersonal relationships in the workplace? What challenges and opportunities does ADHD symptomology present for team and organizational social behavior and social networks?
Xin (Rex) Sun, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering (ABEN)
How can AI-driven robotics and precision agriculture technologies revolutionize future farming practices?
Katherine Tulibaski, Assistant Professor of Practice, Management & Marketing
How do mothers make the choice to leave full-time careers to stay home with their children? What impact does that decision to leave full-time careers have on the well-being of mothers?
BisonSpark Talks Planning Committee

Special thanks to the BisonSpark Talks planning committee:

Ahmed Rabia

Josh Christianson

Cindy Graffeo

Julie Nash

Febina Mathew

Matthew Warner

Fred Hudson

Michelle Ciesielski

Fred Haring

Mohi Quadir

Heath Hotzler

Natasha Fillmore

Joseph Szmerekovsky

Ryan McGrath


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