Master the R Series Bootcamp

The Master the R Series Bootcamp will span four Thursdays: February 6, 13, 20, and 27. Each two-hour session will be at 1:00 PM CT, giving you a focused dose of grantwriting expertise every week.

  • February 6: Preparation
  • February 13: Specific Aims 
  • February 20: Significance & Innovation
  • February 27: Approach

Duration: About 2 hours per session, including Q & A

Key Takeaways: At the end of the training, you will:

  • Identify and employ crucial steps to prepare to write
  • Acquire key information about effective NIH writing strategies
  • Apply those strategies as you write and revise a draft of your submission
  • Utilize your skills to critique the work of others, which will lead to sharpening of your own skills
  • Develop better grantwriting skills that will carry forward on all submissions, whether to NIH or other funding agencies

To register for the series, you must first register with the Bouvier Grant Group learning platform. Once you do that, you will have access to other membership benefits including a learning dashboard, templates, recordings, the Monthly Highlights Newsletter, and the bi-monthly live Q&A Ask the Grantwriter sessions when you can ask Bouvier any NIH submission-related questions.Once you are registered with the Bouvier learning platform, you can then register for the Master the R Series Bootcamp.  

  1. You must first register with the Bouvier Grant Group learning platform.
  2. Then register for the Master the R Series bootcamp.
  3. If you are prompted with an e-mail that says your domain is not recognized simply reply to that e-mail and the Bouvier Group will handle the error. 

Working with the NIH

Learn more about working with the NIH from RCA associate vice president of research and faculty development Heidi Grunwald, PhD.

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