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Soil Science


Soil Management Lab - Publications


  • Chatterjee, A. 2013. Annual Crop Residue Production and Nutrient Replacement Costs for Bioenergy Feedstock Production in United States. Agronomy Journal (Accepted).
  • Jenerette, G.D. and A. Chatterjee. 2012. Soil metabolic pulses:  water, substrate, and biological regulation. Ecology 93(5):959-966.
  • Richardson, J., Chatterjee, A., and G.D. Jenerette. 2012. Optimum temperatures for soil respiration along a semi-arid elevation gradient in Southern California. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46:89-95.
  • Chatterjee, A., and G.D. Jenerette. 2011. Changes in soil respiration Q10 during drying-rewetting along a semi-arid elevation gradient. 2011. Geoderma 163:171-177.
  • Chatterjee, A., and G.D. Jenerette. 2011. Spatial variability of soil metabolic response along a dryland elevation gradient. Landscape Ecology 26(8):1111-1123.
  • Chatterjee, A., G.F. Vance, E. Pendall, and P.D. Stahl. 2008. Timber harvesting alters soil carbon mineralization and microbial community structure in coniferous forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40(7):1901-1907.
  • Chatterjee, A., L.J. Ingram, G.F. Vance, and P.D. Stahl. 2009. Soil processes and microbial community structures in 45 and 135 year-old lodgepole pine stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(11): 2263-2271.
  • Chatterjee, A., G.F. Vance, and D.B. Tinker. 2009. Carbon pools of managed and unmanaged stands of ponderosa and lodgepole pine forests in Wyoming. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39:1893-1900.
  • Chatterjee, A. and R. Lal. 2009. On farm Assessment of tillage impacts on soil Carbon and associated soil quality parameters. Soil & Tillage Research. 104:270-277.
  • Chatterjee, A., R. Lal, R.K. Shrestha, and D.A.N. Ussiri. 2009. Soil carbon pools of reclaimed minesoils under grass and forest landuses. Land Degradation & Development. 20:300-307.
  • Chatterjee, A., R. Lal, L. Wielopolski, M.Z. Martin, and M.H. Ebinger. 2009. Evaluation of different soil carbon determination methods. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 28:164-178.
  • Chatterjee, A., A.A.K. Dosani, S.C. Talashilkar, and V.B. Mehta. 2005. Effect of lime on yield, quality, and nutrient uptake by six groundnut varieties and properties of an alfisol. J. of Indian Soc. soil sc. 53(1):128-132.
  • Dosani, A.A.K., A. Chatterjee, S.C. Talashilkar, R.V. Dhopavkar, and V.B. Mehta. 2003. Changes in soil acidity as influenced by lime application in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in Alfisols of Konkan. Indian J. of Agri. Sc. 73(11): 618-9.

Extension Publications:

  • Chatterjee A. Introducing cover crops in the rotation. Crop & Soils, January-February 2013, P.14-15.
  • Chatterjee, A. Reducing denitrification loss of nitrogen fertilizer. Crop & Soils, May-June 2012. P. 14-15
  • Chatterjee, A., and T. DeSutter. Soil salinity can impair the tile drainage system. Crop & Soils, September-October, 2012. P. 12-15.

Student Focused. Land Grant. Research University.

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Soil Science Department
North Dakota State University
Phone: +1 (701) 231-8901 - Fax: (701) 231-7861
Campus address: Walster Hall 106
Mailing address: Dept 7680 PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Page manager: Nathan.Derby@NDSU.EDU

Last Updated: Friday, February 08, 2013 3:15:16 PM
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