Relevant Publications

- Walden, J., & Zeng, C. (2024). Work in transition: Exploring pandemic-displaced employees' communication. Journal of Communication Management, ahead-of-print.
- Zeng, C., & Lu, S. (2022). Paradigm repair and news engagement: Exploring Bari Weiss’s resignation from the New York Times. Journalism Practice, 1-18.
- Yue, C. A., Thelen, P. D., & Walden, J. (2022). How empathetic leadership communication mitigates employees' turnover intention during COVID-19-related organizational change. Management Decision.
Beck, S. J., Keyton, J., & Poole, M. S. (Eds.) (2022). The Emerald handbook of group and team communication research. Emerald Publishing.
- Zeng, C., Rahmani, D., & Okafor, B. (2022). An investigation of the mediating role of organizational trust in the relationship between work rumination and organizational dissent. Communication Studies, 73(4), 441-457.
- Rabby, M. M. F., Platt, C. A., & Zeng, C. (2022). Assimilation, organizational support, and impostor syndrome as predictors of GTAs’ communicatively restricted organizational stress (CROS). Communication Reports, 1-15.
- Walden, J. A. (2021). Enhancing employee well-being through internal communication. Current Trends and Issues in Internal Communication: Theory and Practice, 149-163.
- Okafor, B. E., Yakubova, M. M., & Westerman, C. Y. K. (2020). Manager-employee communication: The influence of temperament and leader-member exchange quality on employees’ use of upward dissent strategies. Western Journal of Communication.
- Westerman, C. Y. K., Reno-Rich, K. M., Heuett, K. B., Spates, S. A., & Westerman, D. K. (2019). Sender preferences for delivering feedback: Channels, privacy, and synchronicity. Communication Research Reports, 36(4), 287-297.
- Walden, J. A., & Kingsley Westerman, C. Y. (2018). Strengthening the tie: Creating exchange relationships that encourage employee advocacy as an organizational citizenship behavior. Management Communication Quarterly, 32(4), 593-611.
- Paskewitz, E., & Beck, S. J. (2017). When work and family merge: Understanding intragroup conflict experiences in family farm businesses. Journal of Family Communication, 17(4), 386-400.
- Walden, J., Jung, E. H., & Westerman, C. Y. K. (2017). Employee communication, job engagement, and organizational commitment: A study of members of the Millennial Generation. Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(2-3), 73-89.
- Westerman, C. Y. K., Reno, K. M., & Heuett, K. B. (2018). Delivering feedback: Supervisors’ source credibility and communication competence. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(4), 526-546.
- Westerman, C. Y. K. & Smith, S. (2015). Opening a performance dialogue with employees: Facework, voice, and silence. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 29, 456-489.
- Kelly, S. & Westerman, C. Y. K. (2014). Immediacy as an influence on supervisor-subordinate communication. Communication Research Reports, 31(3), 252-261.
- Westerman, C. Y. K., Heuett, K. B., Reno, K. M., & Curry, R. (2014). What makes performance feedback seem just? Synchronicity, channel, and valence effects on perceptions of organizational justice in feedback delivery. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(2), 244-263.
- Westerman, C.Y. K., & Westerman, D. (2013). What’s fair? Public and private delivery of project feedback. Journal of Business Communication, 50(2), 190-206.
- Kingsley Westerman, C. Y. & Westerman, D. (2010) Supervisor impression management: Message content and channel effects on impressions. Communication Studies, 61, 585-601
- Chory, R. M. & Westerman, C. Y. K. (2009) Feedback and fairness: The relationship between negative performance appraisals and organizational justice. Western Journal of Communication, 73(2), 157-181.