STEM Education Courses

STEM 303: The Science of Learning

This course is designed for students serving as Learning Assistants in the College of Science and Mathematics and who are interested in the science behind learning in the STEM disciplines.


STEM 494: Individual Study (1-5 Credits)


STEM 810: College Science Teaching

Designed for graduate students interested in teaching and student learning of STEM at the undergraduate level, this course asks (1) What do we know about learning, (2) How do we assess learning, and (3) How do we facilitate learning? Discussions of readings, observations and activities will help students develop (1) a robust, personal definition of teaching and learning, and (2) an understanding of what facilitates learning in science.

Instructors: Dr. Jenni Momsen; Dr. Katie Wissman


STEM 820: Curriculum and Assessment

Designed for graduate students interested in evidenced-based undergraduate instruction in math and science. This course focuses on research on assessment and curricula designed to identify and address conceptual and reasoning difficulties of students in math and science. Students will explore relevant discipline-based education research literature, practice analyzing student-generated data, and design instruction and assessments.

Instructor: Dr. Mila Kryjevskaia


STEM 830: Research Methods in STEM Education

Designed for graduate students in the STEM Ed Ph.D. program but suitable for Master's and Ph.D.'s students in related fields seeking to improve their understanding of common methods employed by Discipline-based Education Researchers. We specifically aim to:

  • Develop skills for reading primary literature in STEM Education
  • Evaluate the methods employed within the research literature as they relate to the research questions posed by the study’s investigators
  • Articulate your understanding of the course readings through written and oral argumentation
  • Pose a measurable research question and propose qualitative and quantitative methods that would be appropriate for providing evidence for that research question
  • Embed research questions within the context of the published literature and within their chosen theoretical framework
  • Present a professional-quality presentation for the class that demonstrates an understanding of methods appropriate for a novel research question

Instructor: Dr. Warren Christensen


STEM 840: Designing Technology-infused Learning Environments in Higher Education

This course will prepare current and future college-level instructors to effectively infuse appropriate technology tools into contemporary higher education learning environments.

Instructor: Dr. Jeff Boyer

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