English Graduate Organization

The English Graduate Organization (EGO) serves as an organization aimed at furthering the goal of graduate student development and professionalization. Each spring, EGO organizes the Red River Graduate Student Conference (RRGSC), a conference where graduate and undergraduate students from the region can present original work in a professional setting. In addition to the RRGSC, EGO performs service work within the English department, the NDSU campus, and the Fargo-Moorhead community. EGO is open to all graduate students in the English department, and is a great opportunity and resource for personal and professional development.
EGO Committees
EGO Members serve the English department and the University on a variety of committees each year, including:
The First-Year Writing Committee
The Upper-Division Writing Committee
Red River Graduate Student Conference Organizing Committee
Early American Search Committee
Graduate Studies Committee
Social Committee
EGO Officers

Alex Rowe, PhD President
Habiba Akter, PhD Vice President
Fred Gaisie, MA President
Susmita Davi Trisha, MA Vice President