Majors and Minors

Our students form strong communication skills, establish research methods, develop flexibility in facing complex situations and increase their awareness of the humanities tradition. These ideas suit both the liberal arts major and the practical, pre-professional student. Success in the marketplace is tied to the ability to analyze, understand and restate written material. Such success requires habits of investigation, a fluency with documents and speeches, and the self-assurance to handle unfamiliar materials.

B.A. and B.S. in English

Both degrees require 42 credits in English courses beyond first-year composition. The B.A. degree requires two years of a foreign language or the equivalent competency; the B.S. requires a minor outside English. Students can emphasize course work in literature, writing studies, or a balance of the two, but the department does not offer degrees in literature or writing exclusively.

B.A. and B.S. in English Education

Both degrees require 36 credits in English courses beyond first-year composition and 35 or 38 credits in education courses. The B.A. requires two years of a foreign language or the equivalent competency. The B.S. degree in English Education with a Communication Option leads to certification in both English and speech. English teaching majors should contact the School of Education or the English education advisor for additional requirements.

English Minors

  • Literature: This minor gives students the opportunity to read widely in literature, develop analytical skills and hone writing skills. Courses include six credits in survey courses, literary analysis and elective credits in literary studies. English majors cannot earn a minor in literature.
  • Writing Studies(scroll to bottom half of page):  This minor gives students the opportunity to write creatively and professionally, to read a wide variety of texts and to explore emerging communication technologies. Courses include Introduction to Writing Studies, five writing classes, and one linguistics or literature class. One of these remaining six must be at the 400 level. English majors cannot earn a minor in writing studies.
  • Creative Writing: This minor give students a well-rounded education in the various facets of creative writing, encouraging you to explore and hone your skills in poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and scriptwriting.

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