Natira Mullet, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor  

Phone: (701) 231-1828


Developmental Science Program
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Doctor of Philosophy, Couple, Marriage and Family Therapy
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX

Master of Science, Family Studies and Human Services
Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS

Graduate Certificates
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies/Financial Therapy
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS

Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS

Associate of Science, Mathematics
Garden City Community College
Garden City, KS

Core Area

Diversity and Family Science

Research Interests

Examining intergenerational, cultural and familial protective factors to reduce interpersonal trauma and resulting substance use and mental health outcomes among marginalized communities.

Selected Publications

Mullet, N., Waterman, E. A., Edwards, K. M., Simon, B., Hopfauf, S., & Herrington, M. (2023). Understanding family strengths to prevent adverse childhood experiences: A focus group study. Family Relations, 1-19.  

Mullet, N., Waterman, E. A., Edwards, K. M., Banyard, V., & Valente, T. W. (2023). Social networks and violence victimization and perpetration among youth: A longitudinal analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1-11.

Trevino, Z. R., Mullet, N., Hawkins, L. G., Guzman, A., & Garcia, M. S. (2023). A thematic analysis on modern challenges of individuals in interracial relationships. American Journal of Family Therapy, 1-19.

Edwards, K. M., Waterman, E. A., Mullet, N., Herrington, R., Cornelius, S., Hopfauf, S., Trujillo, P., Wheeler, L. A., & Deusch, A. R. (2023). Indigenous cultural identity protects against intergenerational transmission of ACEs among Indigenous caregivers and their children. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-11.

Waterman, E.A., Edwards, K. M., Mullet, N., Herrington, R, Hopfauf, S., Trujillo, P., Even-Aberle, N., & Wheeler, L. (2023). Rates of recent adverse childhood experiences among Indigenous children. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 1 – 11.

Edwards, K. M., Waterman, E. A., Mullet, N., Herrington, R., Hopfauf, S., Trujillo, P., Even-Aberle, N., Wheeler, L. A., Cornelius, S., & Deutsch, A. R. (2023). Rates and correlates of intimate partner abuse among Indigenous women caregivers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 39(3-4), 587-604.  

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