Publication list of Dr. Islam

Scholarly Book Chapters

  1. Islam S, Ma W (2016) Lupine. In: Benjamin C, Finglas PM, Toldrá F (eds) Encyclopedia of Food and Health. Academic Press, Oxford, pp 579-585. (doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-384947-2.00432-3).
  2. Islam S, Yang H, and Yan G (2013) Molecular Markers for Genetics and Plant Breeding: The MFLP marker system and its application in Narrow-Leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius). Ray J. Rose (ed.), Legume Genomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1069. Pp 179-201. Springer Protocols. (DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-613-9_13).
  3. Islam S, Ma W, Yan G, Bekes F, Appels R (2012) Novel approaches to modify wheat flour processing characteristics and health attributes: from genetics to food technology, In: Bread making: Improving quality (Second edition). Woodhead Publishing Limited, 80 High Street, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3HJ UK. Pp 259-296.


Peer reviewed Journal Articles [* indicates author for correspondence/co-first author; Q indicates journal ranking @ scimago]


  1. Saieed MAU, Zhao Y, Islam S, Ma W (2023) Identifying and characterizing candidate genes contributing to a grain yield QTL in wheat. Plants, 13(1):26.[Q1]
  2. Khan N, Zhang J, Islam S, Appels R, Dell B. Wheat Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Remobilisation under Water Deficit by 1-FEH w3Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2023; 45(8):6634-6650.[Q2]
  3. Saieed MAU, Zhao Y, Chen K, Rahman S, Zhang J, Islam S and Ma W (2023) Phenotypic Plasticity of Yield and Yield-Related Traits Contributing to the Wheat Yield in a Doubled Haploid Population.  Plants, 13(1):17.[Q1]
  4. Zhao Y, Islam S, Alhabbar Z, Zhang J, O'Hara G, Anwar M, Ma W. 2023. Current progress and future prospect of wheat breeding towards an enhanced nitrogen use efficiency. Plants,12(9): 1753.[Q1]
  5. Rahman S, Islam S*, Nevo E, Saeed M A U, Liu Q, Varshney R K, Ma W (2023) Characterizing Agronomic and Shoot Morphological Diversity across 263 Wild Emmer Wheat Accessions. Agriculture, 13, 759. [Q2]
  6. Geisslitz S, Islam S, Buck L, Grunwald-Gruber C,SestiliF, CamerlengoF,Masci S, D’Amico S (2022) Absolute and relative quantitation of amylase/trypsin-inhibitors by LC-MS/MS from wheat lines obtained by CRISPR-Cas9 and RNAi. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:974881. [Q1]
  7. Yang F, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Liu Q, Islam S, Yang W, Ma W. (2022) Wheat glutamine synthetase TaGSr-4B is a candidate gene for a QTL of thousand grain weight on chromosome 4B. Theor Appl Genet 135, 2369–2384. [Q1]
  8. Zhang J, Islam S*, Zhao Y, Anwar M, Alhabbar Z, She M, Yang R, Juhasz A, Tang G, Chen J, Liu H, Jiang Y, Zhai S, Hu X, Rong J, Zhang Y, Qin Y, Liu Q, Yu Z, Zhang Y, Balotf S, Dowla M, Afrin S, Roy N, Mallik MR, Us Saieed MA, Rahman S, Sultana N, Ahmed SA-S, Florides C, Chen K, Sharma D, Height N, Biddulph B, Lu M, Mayer JE, Ma W (2022) Non-escaping frost tolerant QTL linked genetic loci at reproductive stage in six wheat DH populations. The Crop Journal ( [Q1]
  9. Appels R, Wang P, Islam S (2021) Integrating wheat nucleolus structure and function: variation in the wheat ribosomal RNA and protein genes. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 686586. [Q1]
  10. Zhang J, She M, Yang R, Jiang Y, Qin Y, Zhai S, Balotf S, Zhao Y, Anwar M, Alhabbar Z, Juhász A, Chen J, Liu H, Liu Q, Zheng T, Yang F, Rong J, Chen K, Lu M, Islam S, Ma W (2021) Yield-Related QTL Clusters and the Potential Candidate Genes in Two Wheat DH Populations. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(21):11934. [Q1]
  11. Yu Z, She M, Zheng T, Diepeveen D, Islam S, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Tang G, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Blanchard C L, Ma W (2021) Impact and mechanism of sulphur-deficiency on modern wheat farming nitrogen-related sustainability and gliadin content. Commun Biol 4: 945. [Q1]
  12. Wu L, Han X, Islam S, Zhai S, Zhao H, Zhang G, Cui G, Zhang F, Han W, You X, Ju Z, Lv P, Zhou J, Gao Q, Cui B, Wu Y, Yang Z, Liu Q, Yang F, Zhang J, Liu H (2021) Effects of Sowing Mode on Lodging Resistance and Grain Yield in Winter Wheat. Agronomy 11(7):1378. [Q1]
  13. Cao H, Duncan O, Islam S, Zhang J, Ma W, Millar A H (2021) Increased wheat protein content via introgression of a HMW glutenin selectively reshapes the grain proteome. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. [Q1]
  14. Liu Q, Yang F, Zhang J, Liu H, Rahman S, Islam S, Ma W, She M (2021) Application of CRISPR/Cas9 in Crop Quality Improvement. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, 4206. [Q1]
  15. Al-Saedi N, Agarwal M, Islam S, Ren Y (2021) Study on the Correlation between the Protein Profile of Lupin Milk and Its Cheese Production Compared With Cow’s Milk. Molecules 26(8), 2395. [Q1]
  16. Sultana N, Islam S, Juhasz A, Ma W (2021) Wheat leaf senescence and its regulatory gene network. The Crop Journal. ( [Q1]
  17. Hu X, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Islam S, She M, Zhao Y, Tang G, Jiang Y, Rong J, Ma W (2021) Consensus Genetic Linkage Map Construction Based on One Common Parental Line for QTL Mapping in Wheat. Agronomy 11(2):227. [Q1]
  18. Islam S, Zhang J, Zhao Y, She M, Ma W (2021) Genetic regulation of the traits contributing to wheat nitrogen use efficiency. Plant Science 13:110759. [Q1]
  19. Roy N, Islam S*, Al-habbar, Z, Yu Z, Liu H, Lafiandra D, Masci S, Lu M, Sultana N, Ma W (2021) Contribution to bread making performance of two different HMW glutenin 1Ay alleles expressed in hexaploid wheat. Jounal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (1), 36–44. [Q1]
  20. Ahmed SA, Zhang J, Farhan H, Zhang Y, Yu Z, Islam S, Chen J, Cricelli S, Foreman A, Ende WV, Ma W, Dell B (2020) Diurnal changes in water soluble carbohydrate components in leaves and sucrose associated TaSUT1 gene expression during grain development in wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21: 8276. [Q1]
  21. Dowla MANNU, Islam S, Stefanova K, Hara GO, Ma W, Edwards I (2020) Phenology and Dwarfing Gene Interaction Effects on the Adaptation of Selected Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Advanced Lines across Diverse Water-Limited Environments of Western Australia. Agriculture 10 (10), 470. [Q2]
  22. Sultana N, Islam S*, Juhasz A, Yang R, She M, Alhabbar Z, Zhang J, Ma W (2020) Transcriptomic Study for Identification of Major Nitrogen Stress Responsive Genes in Australian Bread Wheat Cultivars. Frontiers in Genetics 11:583785. [Q1]
  23. Kalunke RM, Tundo S, Sestili F, Camerlengo F, Lafiandra D, Lupi R, Larré C, Denery-Papini S, Islam S, Ma W, D’Amico S, Masci S (2020) Reduction of Allergenic Potential in Bread Wheat RNAi Transgenic Lines Silenced for CM3, CM16 and 0.28 ATI Genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(16): 5817. [Q1]
  24. Rahman S, Islam S, Yu Z, She M, Nevo E, Ma W (2020) Current Progress in Understanding and Recovering the Wheat Genes Lost in Evolution and Domestication. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(16): 5836. [Q1]
  25. Al-Saedi N, Agarwal M, Ma W, Islam S, Ren Y (2020) Study on Effect of Extraction Techniques and Seed Coat on Proteomic Distribution and Cheese Production from Soybean Milk. Molecules 25:3237. [Q1]
  26. Islam S, Wang P, Vincent D, Khan JM, Juhasz A, Diepeveen D, Lipscombe RJ, Ma W, Appels R (2020) Proteomic profiling of developing wheat heads under water-stress. Functional & Integrative Genomics 20:695-710. [Q1]
  27. Al-Saedi N, Agarwal M, Ma W, Islam S*, Ren Y (2020) Proteomic Characterisation of Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) Milk as Influenced by Extraction Techniques, Seed Coat and Cultivars. Molecules 25:1782. [Q1]
  28. Zhang Y, Hu X, Juhasz A, Islam S, Yu Z, Zhao Y, Li G, Ding W, Ma W (2020) Characterising avenin-like proteins (ALPs) from albumin/globulin fraction of wheat grains by RP-HPLC, SDS-PAGE, and MS/MS peptides sequencing. BMC Plant Biology 20:45. [Q1]
  29. Wang X, Appels R, Zhang X, Bekes F, Diepeveen D, Ma W, Hu X, Islam S* (2020) Solubility variation of wheat dough proteins: A practical way to track protein behaviors in dough processing. Food Chemistry 312:126038. [Q1]
  30. Roy N, Islam S*, Yu Z, Lu M, Lafiandra D, Zhao Y, Anwar M, Mayer JE, Ma W (2020) Introgression of an expressed HMW 1Ay glutenin subunit allele into bread wheat cv. Lincoln increases grain protein content and breadmaking quality without yield penalty. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 133:517-528. [Q1]
  31. Ma W, Yu Z, She M, Zhao Y, Islam S (2019) Wheat gluten protein and its impacts on wheat processing quality. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 6:279-287.
  32. Yu Z, Peng Y, Islam S, She M, Lu M, Lafiandra D, Roy N, Juhasz A, Yan G, Ma W (2019) Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of active y-type high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes at Glu-A1 locus in wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 86:9-14. [Q1]
  33. Zhang Y, Hu X, Islam S, She M, Peng Y, Yu Z, Wylie S, Juhasz A, Dowla M, Yang R, Zhang J, Wang X, Dell B, Chen X, Nevo E, Sun D, Ma W (2018) New insights into the evolution of wheat avenin-like proteins in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:13312. [Q1]
  34. Yang R, Juhasz A, Zhang Y, Chen X, Zhang Y, She M, Zhang J, Maddern R, Edwards I, Diepeveen D, Islam S, Ma W (2018) Molecular characterisation of the NAM-1 genes in bread wheat in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 69:1173-1181. [Q1]
  35. Alhabbar Z, Yang R, Juhasz A, Xin H, She M, Anwar M, Sultana N, Diepeveen D, Ma W, Islam S* (2018) NAM gene allelic composition and its relation to grain-filling duration and nitrogen utilisation efficiency of Australian wheat. PLOS ONE 13:e0205448. [Q1]
  36. Alhabbar Z, Islam S, Yang R, Diepeveen D, Anwar M, Balotf S, Sultana N, Maddern R, She M, Zhang J, Ma W, Juhasz A (2018) Associations of NAM-A1 alleles with the onset of senescence and nitrogen use efficiency under Western Australian conditions. Euphytica 214:180. [Q1]
  37. Yu Z, Islam S, She M, Diepeveen D, Zhang Y, Tang G, Zhang J, Juhasz A, Yang R, Ma W (2018) Wheat grain protein accumulation and polymerization mechanisms driven by nitrogen fertilization. The Plant Journal 96:1160-1177. [Q1]
  38. Dowla M A N N U, Edwards I, O'Hara G, Islam S, Ma W (2018) Developing Wheat for Improved Yield and Adaptation Under a Changing Climate: Optimization of a Few Key Genes. Engineering 4:514-522. [Q1]
  39. Yu Z, Juhasz A, Islam S, Diepeveen D, Zhang J, Wang P, Ma W (2018) Impact of mid-season sulphur deficiency on wheat nitrogen metabolism and biosynthesis of grain protein. Scientific Reports 8:2499. [Q1]
  40. Balotf S, Islam S, Kavoosi G, Kholdebarin B, Juhasz A, Ma W (2018) How exogenous nitric oxide regulates nitrogen assimilation in wheat seedlings under different nitrogen sources and levels. PLOS ONE 13:e0190269. [Q1]
  41. Roy N, Islam S, Ma J, Lu M, Torok K, Tomoskozi S, Bekes F, Lafiandra D, Appels R, Ma W (2018) Expressed Ay HMW glutenin subunit in Australian wheat cultivars indicates a positive effect on wheat quality. Journal of Cereal Science 79:494-500. [Q1]


  1. Wang X, Appels R, Zhang X, Bekes F, Torok K, Tomoskozi S, Diepeveen D, Ma W, Islam S* (2017) Protein-transitions in and out of the dough matrix in wheat flour mixing. Food Chemistry 217:542-551. [Q1]
  2. Wang X, Appels R, Zhang X, Diepeveen D, Torok K, Tomoskozi S, Bekes F, Ma W, Sharp P, Islam S* (2017) Protein interactions during flour mixing using wheat flour with altered starch. Food Chemistry 231:247-257. [Q1]
  3. Chen X, Song G, Zhang S, Li Y, Gao J, Islam S, Ma W, Li G, Ji W (2017) The allelic distribution and variation analysis of the NAM-B1 gene in Chinese wheat cultivars. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16:1294-1303. [Q1]
  4. Alam MK, Salahin N, Islam S, Begum RA, Hasanuzzaman M, Islam MS, Rahman MM (2017) Patterns of change in soil organic matter, physical properties and crop productivity under tillage practices and cropping systems in Bangladesh. The Journal of Agricultural Science 155:216-238. [Q2]
  5. Chen X, Cao X, Zhang Y, Islam S, Zhang J, Yang R, Liu J, Li G, Appels R, Keeble-Gagnere G, Ji W, He Z, Ma W (2016) Genetic characterization of cysteine-rich type-b avenin-like protein coding genes in common wheat. Scientific Reports 6:30692. [Q1]
  6. Peng Y, Yu Z, Islam S, Zhang Y, Wang X, Lei Z, Yu K, Sun D, Ma W (2016) Allelic variation of LMW-GS composition in Chinese wheat landraces of the Yangtze-River region detected by MALDI-TOF-MS. Breed Sci 66:646-652. [Q1]
  7. Peng Y, Yu K, Zhang Y, Islam S, Sun D, Ma W (2015) Two Novel Y-Type High Molecular Weight Glutenin Genes in Chinese Wheat Landraces of the Yangtze-River Region. PLOS ONE 10:e0142348. [Q1]
  8. Wang K, Ma J, Islam S, Yan Y, Appels R, Yan G, Ma W (2015) Detection of cysteine residue numbers in wheat gluten proteins by MALDI-TOF. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 392:91-95. [Q2]
  9. Wang A, Liu L, Peng Y, Islam S, Applebee M, Appels R, Yan Y, Ma W (2015) Identification of Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Alleles by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PLoS One 10:e0138981. [Q1]
  10. Wang K, Islam S, Ma J, Anwar M, Chen J, Yan Y, Appels R, Ma W (2014) An improved MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry procedure and a novel DNA marker for identifying over-expressed Bx7 glutenin protein subunit in wheat. Hereditas 151:196-200. [Q2]
  11. Islam S, Ma W, Buirchell BJ, Appels R, Yan G (2013) Genetic and environment interactions of seed storage proteins in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius). Crop and Pasture Science 63:1066-1074. [Q1]
  12. Islam S, Ma W, Appels R, Yan G (2013) Mass spectrometric fingerprints of seed protein for defining Lupinus spp. relationships. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 60:939-952. [Q2]
  13. Li X, Islam S, Yang H, Ma W, Yan G (2013) Identification of chromosome regions controlling seed storage proteins of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius). J Plant Res 126:395-401. [Q1]
  14. Islam S, Yan G, Appels R, Ma W (2012) Comparative proteome analysis of seed storage and allergenic proteins among four narrow-leafed lupin cultivars. Food Chemistry 135:1230-1238. [Q1]
  15. Islam S, Ma W, Ma J, Buirchell BJ, Appels R, Yan G (2011) Diversity of seed protein among the Australian narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) cultivars. Crop and Pasture Science 62:765-775. [Q1]
  16. Islam S, Ma W, Yan G, Gao L, Appels R (2011) Differential Recovery of Lupin Proteins from the Gluten Matrix in Lupin–Wheat Bread As Revealed by Mass Spectrometry and Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59:6696-6704. [Q1]


  1. Ullah M, Islam S*, Islam A, Haque T (2010) Effects of organic manures and chemical fertilizers on the yield of brinjal and soil properties. Journal of The Bangladesh Agricultural University 06:271-276.
  2. Huda F, Islam S*, Biswas H (2008) Impact Assessment Study on Selected Spice Crops Under Action Plan in Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture 19:229-241.
  3. Khatun MJM, Islam S*, Haque T, Khan N (2008) Propagation of Jackfruit by Modified Cleft Grafting as Influenced by Time of Operation. Progressive Agriculture 19:67-74.
  4. Mondal MF, Islam S, Uddin MA (2007) Changes in chemical composition of mango as influenced by low temperature storage. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 4:255-258.
  5. Das A, Islam S*, Mondal MF (2007) Studies on post harvest diseases and shelf life of mango. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 4:185-188.
  6. Nahar MK, Rahman A, Islam S* (2007) Effects of pruning and irrigation on growth and yield of onion. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 4:67-70.
  7. Khatun MJM, Rahim MA, Islam S*, Alam KH (2006) Propagation of jackfruit by grafting as influenced by time and method of grafting and age of scion. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 3:209-212.
  8. Parvez M, Islam S, Islam M, Islam A, Mondal MF (2006) Effects of plant spacing and mulching on growth and yield of French bean. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 3:161-164.
  9. Uddin MA, Mondal MF, Islam S* (2006) Shelf life and quality of mango as influenced by low temperature storage. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 3:137-140.
  10. Mondal MF, Islam S, Ali M, Mia M (2005) Quality and shelf life of pineapple as influenced by different post-harvest treatments. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 2:47-52.
  11. Haque T, Farooque AM, Rahim MA, Islam S* (2004) Effect of layering methods and growth regulators on guava propagation. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology 1:13-18.
  12. Karim MR, Rahaman MH, Islam S, Nisa MAU, Huq MM (2004) Effect of planting time and variety on the bulb to bulb production of onion. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology 2:79-82.
  13. Islam S*, Farooque AM, Rahim MA, Haque T (2004) Effect of age of rootstock and scion defoliation on Epicotyl grafting in Jackffruit. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science 13-15:89-93.


Conference proceedings


  1. Hoque M N, Islam S*. Starch and protein properties change under variable nitrogen in US hard red spring wheat. 9th Nitrogen International Congress (N2024), Dwarka, New Delhi, India February 5-8, 2024. (abstract accepted in Dec 2023 for an oral presentation).
  2. Islam M A, Ohm J, Ray Amrita, Islam S*. Particle size reduction influences protein and starch functional properties of whole wheat flour from hard red spring wheat. Cereals & Grains 23, Schaumburg, Chicago, IL, USA, October 18-20, 2023.
  3. Hoque M N, Ohm J, Bais J, Keene C, Islam S*. Nitrogen fertilizer application rates alter protein and starch functional properties in hard red spring wheat. Cereals & Grains 23, Schaumburg, Chicago, IL, USA, October 18-20, 2023.
  4. Bais J, Keene C, Wiersma J, and Islam S. Hard Red Spring Wheat yield and quality under different levels of management intensity in North Dakota. American Society of Agronomy meeting, St. Louis, MO, USA, Oct 29, 2023.
  5. Kaur H, Olsen D, Simsek S, Islam S, Vegi A. Effect of Milling, Storage and Vacuum Steam Pasteurization on Soft Red Wheat Flour Quality, Functionality and End-Product Quality. IFT FIRST annual conference, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, USA, July 16-19, 2023.
  6. Geisslitz S, Islam S, Buck L, Grunwald-Gruber C, Sestili F, Camerlengo F, Masci S, D’Amico S. Absolute and relative quantitation of amylase/trypsininhibitors from cultivated wheat species modified by CRISPR-Cas9 and RNAi. The International Mass Spectrometry Conference, IMSC, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 27th August - 2nd September, 2022
  7. Rahman S, Islam S, She M, Sharma D, Ma W. Revealing important agronomic and shoot morphological traits of wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) population using GWAS approach. 8th annual EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium (virtual), 10-12 November, 2021.
  8. Saieed M A U, Islam S, Ma W. Identifying and Characterizing Candidate Genes Contributing to a Grain Yield QTL in Bread Wheat. 8th annual EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium (virtual), 10-12 November, 2021.
  9. Rahman S, Islam S, She M, Sharma D, Ma W. Genome wide association study for the below ground traits of wild emmer wheat. China-Australia Annual Forum for Wheat Improvement in Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, 30-31 August, 2021.
  10. Rahman S, Islam S, She M, Sharma D, Ma W. Multivariate and Diversity Analysis of Wild Emmer Wheat for Multiple Agronomic Traits. 291/2 th Annual Combined Biological Sciences Meeting (CBSM), University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, 27 November 2020.
  11. Al-Saedi N, Agarwal M, Ma W, Islam S, Ren Y. Effect of filtration method on lupin milk and soybean milk protein analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry. 7th International Conference on Food Chemistry and Technology, Miami, USA, Aug 20-21, 2019.
  12. Sultana N, Juhasz A, Islam S, Yang R, Ma W. Genetic Characterization of TaNAC-S Gene Across Australian Wheat Cultivars In Relation To Senescence And Grain Yield. The 68th Australasian Grain Science Conference "Grain Science Transforming our Future", Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. 10-13 September 2018.
  13. Zhang Y, Islam S, Juhasz A, Chen Y, He Z, Cao X, She M, Ma W. Characterization of cysteine-rich avenin-like proteins in common wheat. 13th International Gluten Workshop., Mexico City, Mexico, 14-17 March, 2018.
  14. Alhabbar Z, Islam S, Yang R, Diepeveen D, Juhasz A and Ma W. 2017. NAM gene allelic composition and its relation to grain-filling duration and nitrogen use efficiency. 5 th international conference on chemical, Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2017.
  15. Roy N, Islam S, Ma J, Lu M, Bekes F, Appels R, Ma W.Active AY HMW glutenin subunit improves storage protein quality in Australian wheat cultivars. 67th AGSA (Australian Grain Science Association) Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, September 2017.
  16. Yu Z, Islam S, Juhasz A and Ma W. The impacts of mid sulphur deficiency on nitrogen metabolic mechanism for the biosynthesis of wheat grain protein. 16th annual Conference of Australasian Genomic Technologies Association (AGTA), Auckland, New Zealand, October 2016.
  17. Islam S, Roy N, Yu Z, Peng Y, Anwar M, Ma J and Ma W. Integration of expressed 1Ay subunit of HMW glutenins into Australian bread wheat cultivars, International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  18. Ma W, Chen X, Cao X, Zhang Y, Islam S, Appels R.Genetic Characterisation of cysteine-rich type-b avenin like protein coding genes in common wheat. International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  19. Diepeveen D, Bekes F, Wang X, Appels R, Islam S, Torok K, Tonoskizi S, Ma W. Diagnostic Mixolab signatures to distinguish flour quality attributes. International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  20. Juhasz A, Makai S, Kovacs A, Gell G, Haraszi R, Bekes F, Islam S, Ma W, Appels R. Wheat related food disorders-what is hidden in the wheat genome? International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  21. Roy N, Islam S, Anwar M and Ma W. Integration of 1Sx2.3 and 1Sy16 high molecular weight glutenin subunits into Australian wheat cultivars from Ae. Longissimi. International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  22. Yu Z, Islam S, Diepeveen D and Ma W, Optimising sulphur and nitrogen fertilizer application for better wheat grain protein composition and quality. International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  23. Wang X, Zhang X, Bekes F, Torok K, Tomoskozi S, Diepeveen D, Appels R, Ma W and Islam S. Mixolab-dough protein dynamics by 2-D gel electrophoresis and SE-HPLC, International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  24. Shi N, Islam S and Ma W. Cloning and characterisation of a key gene underlying wheat grain size, International Gluten Biotechnology Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2015.
  25. Islam S, Keeble-Gagnere G, Diepeveen D, Wang P, Khan J, Webster H, Nystrom-Persson J T, Ma W and Appels R, A genomic based wheat protein atlas, Plant and Animal Genome Asia, Singapore, July 2015.
  26. Appels, R, Keeble-Gagnère G, Chapman, B, Fleury, D, Bellgard, M, Diepeveen, D, Zhang, J, Webster, H, Islam, S and Ma, W. Sequencing chromosome 7A and the Australia-China centre for wheat improvement. In: Wheat Breeding Assembly 2013, 17 - 19 July 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
  27. Islam S, Yan G, Appels R, Ma W. Wheat and lupin protein interaction at baking: modifying extractability from lupin-wheat bread, 11th International Gluten Workshop, Beijing, PR China, August 2012.
  28. Ma W, Wang K, Ma J, Islam S, Appels R, Bekes F, and Yan Y.  MALDI-TOF approach to measure cysteine number of wheat glutenin subunits, 11th International Gluten Workshop, Beijing, PR China, August 2012.
  29. Islam S, Ma W, Appels R, Buirchell B J andYan G. Diversity of seed storage protein among narrow-leafed lupin cultivars (Lupinus angustifolious L.) with reference to contributing to health. XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, August 2011.
  30. Islam S, Ma W, Yan G, Gao L, Yan Y and Appels R. Lupin-wheat bread protein: modification of the bread matrix for improved health attributes. XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, August 2011.
  31. Islam S, Ma W, Yan G and Appels R. The lupin proteins that integrate into the matrix of lupin-wheat breads. 60th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Melbourne, Sept 2010.


Non-peer Reviewed Articles

  1. Clair Keene, Andrew Green, Shahidul Islam, Andrew Friskop, Tim Friesen, Zhaohui Liu and Shaobin Zhong, Yue Jin, John Rickertsen, Leandro Bortolon, Austin Kraklau, Bryan Hanson, Glenn Martin, Justin Jacobs, Kristin Simons. 2023. North Dakota Hard Red Spring Wheat Variety Trial Results for 2023 and Selection Guide. A574-23.

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  1. 2022 U.S. Hard Red Spring Wheat Regional Quality Report, published by North Dakota Wheat Commission.

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  1. Crop Quality Report. 2022. Published by US Wheat Associates.

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  1. 2023 U.S. Hard Red Spring Wheat Regional Quality Report, published by North Dakota Wheat Commission. 

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  1. Crop Quality Report. 2023. Published by US Wheat Associates.

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