Cereal Technology (CFS 450/650; 3 Credits)
Classroom Meeting Location and Times
Harris Hall, Room 11, NDSU; 11:00 -11:50 MWF
Course Purpose
To develop an appreciation for Cereal Technology from an overview of cereal grains, their quality, attributes, common processing technologies, and end product utilization.
Course Objectives
Provide the student with a working knowledge of the relationship between composition, basic industrial processes, and end products of cereal grains.
Student Outcomes
- Students will develop an understanding of cereal grains, grading, storage, quality evaluation, processing, and end product utilization.
- Students will be able to recognize and communicate common processes which allow cereal grains to be converted to human food products.
- Students will develop a basic working knowledge of the major quality aspects of cereal grains and their relationship to utilization and quality of grain-based foods.
The primary method by which course-related information will be communicated is during class. Reminders, notification of any schedule or assignment changes will be communicated through NDSU Blackboard announcements page. Your NDSU email address is the official route for information. Instructor will use Blackboard and Zoom for course delivery as appropriate.
Office hours:
You may meet with me in person during office hours (please remember to wear a face covering). You may meet with me at alternate time or virtually using the Zoom during office hours (please, email to schedule the Zoom meeting or to meet at an alternate time).
IT Help Desk for technology concerns:
- Contact Information for Help Desk: Email: ndsu.helpdesk@ndsu.edu Call: (701) 231-8685 (option 1)
Health and Safety Expectations
Please, refer to NDSU guidance on face coverings.
- As of August 23, 2021, all participants in a classroom, including those who are fully vaccinated, are required to wear a face covering.
- If you fail to properly wear a face covering, you will not be admitted to the classroom.
- Students who cannot wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability, or who are unable to remove a mask without assistance may seek an accommodation through the Disability Services ((701) 231-8463; https://www.ndsu.edu/disabilityservices/).
- In accordance with NDSU Policy 601, failure to comply with instructions, including the mask requirement, may be handled according to the Code of Student Conduct resolution process and may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Course Requirements and Exams:
- Lectures: Three 1-hour lectures/week; some of the lectures will include in-class group discussions (may use blackboard or worksheets given in class by instructor) on topics that may need to be worked on (reading textbook chapters or articles) ahead of class time. A total of 35 bonus points by the end of semester can be earned and applied towards final grade through in-class discussion topics facilitated by the main instructor. It is a team-taught course - Dr. Anuradha Vegi is the main instructor, other professors who teach this course are Dr. Frank Manthey, Dr. Senay Simsek (recorded lectures), Dr. Paul Schwarz (recorded lectures) and Dr. Kalidas Shetty. The teaching style may vary among the various instructors - some instructors will teach in-class and some may choose to teach from their office via zoom or have pre-recorded lectures available for you to learn from.
- Quiz: During each week this semester (except for first week, dead week and final’s week), quizzes with multiple choice questions or fill-in-the-blank questions will be used to assess your understanding of the material that will be covered. No quiz on exam days! The quizzes will be given in an online format accessible through blackboard morning of the class (6 AM) and will have until 11 AM to answer the quiz questions. There will not be any make-up quiz. You will receive 1 point for each question that you get right, 0.5 points for each question that you answer wrong, and 0 points if you do not answer at all. If you get 50% of the possible quiz points, you will receive 25 pts (out of a maximum of 25 points) to be applied towards your final grade. If you get less than 50% of the quiz points, the number of points that will be applied to your final grade will equal the % of online quiz points you received divided by 2.
- Exams: Three 1-hour exams and 2-hour final exam, 100% each. Exams 1-3 are 75 points each and final exam is worth 100 points to give a total of 325 exam points. Also, quizzes will give an additional score of 25 points. Overall, for CFS 450 – the total possible grade points are 350. Note: Final exam is comprehensive (will include questions from topics covered after exam 3 and questions that appeared on exam 1, 2 and 3). In case of illness, student will be given an option to take the exam on-line in the presence of a designated proctor.
- Students registered for CFS 650 are required to write a term paper worth 100 points, along with the three 1-hr exams, 2-hr final exam and quizzes; and therefore, will be graded on a percentage of 450 total points. Note: Final exam is comprehensive.
Assignment (For CFS 450) Number Points Total Points
Classroom Quiz 14 weeks Variable 25
Term Exam 3 75 225
Final Exam 1 100 100 .
Assignment (For CFS 650) Number Points Total Points
Classroom Quiz 14 weeks Variable 25
Term Paper 1 100 100
Term Exam 3 75 225
Final Exam 1 100 100 .
Percentage Possible Points (CFS 450) Grade Percentage Possible Points (CFS 450) Grade
90-100 315-350 A 80-89.9 280-314.7 B
70-79.9 245-279.7 C 60-69.9 210-244.7 D
<60 ≤209.7 F
Percentage Possible Points (CFS 650) Grade Percentage Possible Points (CFS 650) Grade
90-100 405-450 A 80-89.9 360-404.6 B
70-79.9 315-359.6 C 60-69.9 270-314.6 D
<60 ≤269.6 F
Assessment of Learning
- Pre- and Post- Test Questions and Examinations
- Quizzes, discussion and participation
Class Resources
- Required Text: Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, 3rd Edition, Jan A. Delcour and R. Carl Hoseney, American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN (Available at the University Bookstore)
- Cereal Technology Blackboard Site of NDSU. Students will be required to access, process, and print from Blackboard. Each student is required to have a computer (or access to a computer), appropriate word processor, PowerPoint, and internet connection. Finally, please note that all of the notes, although posted in Blackboard will not be complete and some information will be covered only in class.
Class Attendance and Missed Class Policy
In accordance with policy section 333 “Class Attendance Policy and Procedure” (http://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/policy/333.pdf), attendance in this class is expected.
- Students are expected to attend every class and remain in class for the duration of the session when it is safe to do so in accordance with NDSU guidance regarding COVID- 19.
- In this course students should participate in the course face-to-face. On some days, the in-person class periods are substituted by recorded video lectures.
- While the late participation policy for this course is outlined below, please note that I will be flexible regarding deadlines for students who are experiencing illness or other challenges related to COVID-19. Please contact me as early as possible if you think you may not be able to complete an assignment or participate in the course due to illness.
- If you are unable to attend class at the regularly scheduled time due to illness, contact the instructor for alternate arrangements, including recordings of class sessions and assignments as well as accommodations and extensions as needed.
- Do not come to class if you are sick. Please protect your health and the health of others by staying home. For information on COVID-19, symptoms, testing, and steps to stay healthy see https://www.ndsu.edu/studenthealthservice/covid_19/.
Students with Special Requirements
Any students with disabilities or other special needs, who need special accommodations in this course are invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible. The instructor may ask for verification and that, plus other assistance, can be requested from Disability Services in Lower Level of NDSU Main Library, Suite 17 (231-8463). http://www.ndsu.edu/disabilityservices/.
Veterans and military personnel
Veterans or military personnel with special circumstances or who are activated are encouraged to notify the instructor as early as possible.
Honor System
Academic Honesty: All students taking any course in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources are under the Honor System (http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/academics/honor-system-1). The Honor System is a system that is governed by the students and operates on the premise that most students are honest and work best when their honesty, and the honesty of others, is not in question. It functions to prevent cheating as well as penalize those who are dishonest. It is the responsibility of the students to report any violations of the honor pledge to the instructor, honor commission or the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources.
The academic community is operated on the basis of honesty, integrity, and fair play. NDSU Policy 335: Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct applies to cases in which cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct have occurred in an instructional context. Students found guilty of academic misconduct are subject to penalties, up to and possibly including suspension and/or expulsion. Student academic misconduct records are maintained by the Office of Registration and Records. Informational resources about academic honesty for students and instructional staff members can be found at www.ndsu.edu/academichonesty.
Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: There is no tolerance for plagiarism in this course.Familiarize yourself with what plagiarism is at http://www.plagiarism.org.