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Soil Science


SOIL 351 Soil Ecology

3 credits; Fall semesters

Instructor: Dr. Amitava Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, Soil Science
Phone: 231-7858
Office hours: By Appointment
Lecture times:
 M W F 9:00 – 9:50 a.m.
Location: Walster 217

Syllabus in pdf format

COURSE GOALS: Students will be educated to understand the importance of below ground ecosystem functions and climate-plant-soil interactions and how soil ecology dictates the primary nutrient dynamics.

COURSE OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to (1) classify different soil organisms and their role in soil functions, (2) soil organic matter formation, (3) cycle of major nutrients, (4) interactions among soil management, nutrient dynamics and microbial community. 

COURSE OUTLINE: Course outline is an approximate guideline for students, topics and time can be changed.

Lectures 1-3August 2

Course structure, evaluation, reading assignments
Syllabus overview
Soil ecology as a subject, history, importance and role to society 

August 29 Soil habitat I- soil formation (CLORPT), development of soil profiles, soil horizons, classification,  
August 31 Soil habitat II soil properties and ecosystem functioning  
Lecture 4-6September 3 Labor Day Holiday 
September 5 Soil as a microbial habitat 
September 7 Microbial growth and metabolism, soil enzymes 
Lectures 7-9 September 10 Soil microbial classification, physiology and roles 
September 12 

Soil microbial classification, physiology and roles I. Macrofauna and mesofauna  

September 14 

Soil microorganisms –Fungi (Part 1) Classification and characteristics  

Lectures 10-12September 17 

Soil microorganisms –Fungi (Part 2) Ecological roles 

September 19 

Prokayotes- Bacteria and Archea (Part 1) Classification, characteristics  

September 21 

Prokayotes- Bacteria and Archea (Part 2) Ecological roles 

Lectures 13-15September 24 Interactions - commensalism, mutualism and symbioses 
September 26 First Exam (50 objective questions in 50 min) 
September 28 Measuring population and diversity of soil organisms 
Lectures 16-18October 1 

Soil Ecological processes and microbial function I. Decomposition
-Introduction, overview

October 3 II. Chemical alteration 
October 5 Factors controlling decomposition  
Lectures 19-21 October 8 Carbon cycle  I 
October 10 Carbon cycle II 
October 12 

Nitrogen cycle and soil organisms I. Brief overview of nitrogen cycle  

Lectures 22-24 October 15 II. Nitrogen fixation and microorganisms  
October 17 

Transformations of Nitrogen

October 19 Denitrification  
Lecture 25-27 October 22 Biogeochemical cycling of Phosphorus and sulfur 
October 24 Biogeochemical cycling of  trace elements 
October 26 Second Exam (50 objective questions in 50 min) 
Lecture 28-30 October 29 Ecosystem management and soil biota -Principles 
October 31 I. Forest Ecosystem management  
November 1 II. Rangeland management 
Lecture 31-33 November 5 III. Agricultural management – Tillage  
November 7 IV. Organic farming 
November 9 V. Bioremediation, Heavy metal toxicity 
Lecture 34-36 November 12 Veteran’s Day
November 14 Scaling up soil ecological functions 
November 16 Climate change, global warming and soil ecology
Lecture 37 November 19 Presentation guidelines, discussion and exam overview
November 26, 28, 30
December 3, 5, 7 
Student Project Presentation
December 10 Final Exam (50 objective questions in 50 min)


Evaluation Procedure and Criteria

1. Assignments & quizzes: 20% 
2. Exam 1: 20%
3. Exam 2: 20%
4. Final Exam: 20%
5. Project Presentation: 20%


Grade Percentage 
A 100-90.5 
B 90.4-80.5 
C 80.4-70.5 
D 70.4-60.5 
F <60.4 


Quizzes will be comprised of topics covered in last three lectures and will be allotted at the end of Monday class. Questions will be objective type 10-20 questions. 


Two types of reading assignments, (1) current newspaper article based on soil/environmental issues collected by students and (2) research articles provided by the instructor at the beginning of the week will be discussed at the end of Friday class. In both assignments, students will need to submit a short note (after Friday Class) with word limit of 450 words describing the problem and student’s perspective for newspaper article and the research objectives, findings and shortcomings (if any) for the research article. Research article will be posted on the Blackboard every Monday and students will be responsible for obtaining their copy of the article.  Reading assignments will be discussed at the end of Friday lecture. Grading for this portion will be based on the participation in discussion and the scientific merit of the short note.

Project Presentation:

Students will (1) submit a research proposal based on soil ecology, (2) prepare a research note based on critical analyses of peer-reviewed articles, and (3) prepare 10-minute powerpoint presentation. The research proposal will contain (1) brief overview, (2) the problem statement and objectives, (3) rationale and significance within single spaced one page. The research proposal will need to be pre-approved by the instructor and submitted within September 30. For the research note, you will need to collect at least 10 peer-reviewed articles and will follow the format of a review article (ask for a sample if you need a guideline). The write up should include at least two diagrams (not copied from article) and three figures/tables to illustrate or summarize the concept and findings. The final power point presentation will be based on the research note and evaluated by your class mates. You should submit the research note and presentation by 26th November.

Students with disabilities:

Any students with disabilities or other special needs requiring special accommodations in this course are invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible. 

Academic honesty:

All work in this course must be completed in a manner consistent with NDSU University Senate Policy, Section 335: Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct. 

For more information on the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resource’s honor system, see

Student Focused. Land Grant. Research University.

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Soil Science Department
North Dakota State University
Phone: +1 (701) 231-8901 - Fax: (701) 231-7861
Campus address: Walster Hall 106
Mailing address: Dept 7680 PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Page manager: Nathan.Derby@NDSU.EDU

Last Updated: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:48:54 AM
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