ME Remote Labs

To Connect to a lab computer remotely:

  1. Be sure your NDSU account has been set up for MFA
  2. Be prepared to login with your NDSU login information.
  3. Windows PCs have the RDP client pre-installed and the software will start automatically after clicking on the downloaded connection file for each PC. Mac systems will need the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store to connect to a PC.
  4. Click the button below for the desired lab (right-click and open in a new tab to continue with instructions):

    Dolve 201Dolve 212 ENG 222

    This will open a KeyReporter website that lists the computers in the selected lab.
  5. Computers with a green halo and a clickable "Address" link are available for remote connection. Computers with a red halo are in use and will not display an "Address" link.
  6. Click the "Address" link in the right column of an available computer. A file will be downloaded to your computer with the name: "address.rdp". 
    (If the download fails, click the login button in the top right of the screen, select "Guest", and try again.)
  7. Locate and execute (double-click) the downloaded address.rdp file (you may need to look in your "downloads" folder).
  8. You may be presented with an "Unknown publisher" message window. You can proceed by clicking the "Connect" button.
    (If you will be connecting to the same computer repeatedly, you can click the "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer" radio button to keep your system from displaying this message for the selected computer in the future.)
  9. A Windows Security window will display requesting your credentials. Type your NDSU login in the following format:, use the same password as you normally do when logging into lab computers (for security reasons, do not click the "Remember me" radio button).
  10. If you receive a "user account not authorized" message, it is likely that you have not been set up in our system as a student in the department of the lab you are attempting to connect to. Please contact CoE Tech Support.

    If you receive a "Your credentials did not work" error message, verify that the username entered (shown in the error message) is correct. You should use your normal desktop login username with added to the end ( If the username appears to be correct, try entering your password again. If you still have issues, contact CoE Tech Support.
  11. You may be presented with a "Certificate errors" message window. You can proceed by clicking the "Yes" button.
    (If you will be connecting to the same computer repeatedly, you can click the "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer" radio button to keep your system from displaying this message for the selected computer in the future).
  12. If you have entered the correct credentials, and are attempting to connect to an authorized system, you will now be presented with the desktop image of the remote system along with a DUO MFA screen. Select the appropriate options to authorize the connection using your configured DUO account settings.
  13. Once logged in, you may now use the remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it.
  14. At the top of the remote window, you will see a blue connection bar to remind you that you are viewing a computer remotely, you can click the pushpin icon to minimize the bar. To restore the bar, move your mouse to the top center of the screen.
  15. Once you are finished using the computer, please remember to log off. Closing the RDP window without logging off may result in your account tying up the computer unnecessarily and cause your next connection to fail.

Please keep in mind that there is no configuration that needs to take place on your PC in order to use RDP. All RDP features are available within the RDP Client app. All necessary connection configuration has already been completed on the lab PCs, if you are experiencing any issues with your connection contact CoE Tech Support for assistance.

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