Want to live with students who have similar interests? Or live next to students who have similar majors? Learning Communities are simply groups of students who live together in our high rises and connect through shared academic or personal goals. Each community is different, but all offer the opportunity to make friends and achieve goals important to you. 

Why live in a learning community?

  • Ability to develop close-knit relationships and friend groups
  • Your neighbors have a similar interest or major as you do
  • Amazing networking opportunities with faculty and staff
  • Fun events designed specifically for your learning community
  • Between 60-70 people per community
Learning community options:
  1. Complete your NDSU Housing Application
  2. Complete your Learning Community Application 
  3. Notification of acceptance varies by learning community. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Connect with us:

Madison Moen,Assistant Director of Residential Education 
Office: 108 West Bison Court
Phone: (701) 231-8399
Email: Madison.Moen.1@ndsu.edu

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