Engineering Leadership Learning Community

Through a partnership between the College of Engineering, Residence Life, and the Student Activities Office, this community provides first year engineering students an advanced leadership program.

What to expect:

  • Live next to each other in a residence hall
  • Develop close-knit friendships 
  • Coordinate study groups with neighbors in the same classes
  • Connect and network with college faculty and staff
  • Attend events and activities specific to engineering interests

Frequently Asked Questions




Student Quotes: 

Josh H., Computer Science
“The ELLC has helped me academically because we can all study together, but it also helped me make friendships that I otherwise would not have made. This community has been a jump start to my college career and social life. I highly recommend living in the ELLC.” 

Emma R., Environmental Engineering
“The ELLC has provided me with so many opportunities to thrive at NDSU. We take a leadership class together that has helped me learn more about myself and how to apply leadership in my classes and future career.”

Connor V., Mechanical Engineering
“Everyone cares about each other. They make sure you are getting your homework done, studying for exams, and hanging out with you on the weekends. Having someone check in on you in this new environment is very important for maintaining healthy habits.” 

The ELLC Experience:
Community Events:

Monthly events in the Engineering Leadership Learning Community are designed to be a fun way for students to build their academic network. Social events provide time and space for relationships to be built to directly and indirectly support the academic goals of learning community students.

ELLC HOCO Tournament 
Work hard, play hard. During homecoming week, ELLC created their own tournament of challenges. Great way to connect, build friendships and have fun. 

Box Fort
Move-in day results in A LOT of cardboard. Being engineers, the Engineering Leadership Learning Community students put it to good use. Students pick a day to build their very own box fort in the lounge equipped with their own homey touches. This is becoming an ELLC tradition.  

Community Art
Nothing says home better than putting up your own artwork. The ELLC students put their creative skills to the test and designed a mural for their community that is as unique as they are. 

ELLC Leadership Course (1 credit course):

You will experience an advanced leadership program which will prepare you to create successful pathways throughout life. You will learn a tremendous amount about leadership and how to apply leadership techniques to the real world. This experience is designed to ensure an educational journey is combined with leadership development opportunities to prepare students to lead today, tomorrow, and always.

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