Frequently Asked Questions

What if a student discloses an assault or experience of violence that did not happen during their time at NDSU? What if the assault took place a while ago (weeks, months, years) and I just found out - do I still need to report?

  1. Still complete the report form​​​​​​​ on the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office (EOTIX) website. Even if the assault took place elsewhere or prior to the student’s time at NDSU, they are still able to access supportive measures during their time at NDSU. Offices like Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy and EOTIX can also help students access resources that may aid their growth and healing regardless of when the assault took place.

What if the student is adamant they do not want to make a report and they do not want any supportive measures?

  1. Still complete the report form like you would for any other disclosure. It can be very helpful to remind students that a report does not automatically begin an investigation through EOTIX.  The student who disclosed an experience of violence ( referred to as the  reporting party) gets to decide if they would like anything to happen beyond the report.
  2. Completing the report form also helps EOTIX staff to reach out to the student and ensure that they have information on their rights and resources as well as a chance to ask questions. This helps to ensure that all students have access to good information to help the student make decisions that works best for them. Lastly, it is important to remember, there is no time limit on when a student can request supportive measures. While they may not want any supportive measures right now, they will receive information about their options should they change their mind in the future.

What if I spoke to a student and forgot to tell them I am a mandated reporter?

  1. Don’t panic. We understand that honest mistakes happen. If the report was made recently, you are strongly encouraged to follow up with the student to let them know about your role as a Mandatory Reporter and explain that someone from EOTIX will reach out to them, most likely via email. This is also a good time to remind the student that just because information was shared with EOTIX does NOT automatically begin an investigation. The student who experienced harm still gets to decide if they would like anything to happen beyond the report. Being open and honest with a student is always a vital way to build trust and let the student know you support them.

What if I forgot to make the initial report? 

  1. If the student’s disclosure was recent, it is best to complete the report form. If the disclosure was more than a month or two ago, please follow up with the EOTIX Office via phone or email. If the disclosure was recent, please follow up with the student to let them know of your mandatory reporting requirement if you are able.

I submitted a report and I would like to know what is happening with the report/investigation.

  1. In an effort to respect student privacy and uphold confidentiality, no information pertaining to the report or any resulting supportive measures or investigations can be shared without the student’s permission. Additionally, Title IX reports are exempt from Open Records requests.

What is a Clery Report? How do I find out who my Campus Security Authority is?

  1. A Clery Report refers to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, specifically the requirement that campuses report statistics on certain crimes that fall within specific geographic areas on and around campus. Included in the list of crimes are sex offenses (rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape), dating/domestic violence, and stalking among others.  Clery crimes should be reported by a Campus Security Authority via the Crime Reporting Form​​​​​​​ as soon as possible. Submitting a Clery report is NOT the same as filing a police report and is NOT the same as submitting a report form to the EOTIX Office. Please remember do NOT  contact law enforcement without the student’s permission.
  2. For more information on Clery, who your Campus Security Authority is, and a complete list of Clery crimes visit or contact the University Police and Safety Office.

If you have any additional questions please contact:

Megan Talcott, Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy Coordinator/Sexual Assault Response Education workgroup lead

   or 701-231-5733

Heather Higgins-Dochtermann, Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance

   or 701-231-7107

Nancy Boyle, Equal Opportunity Specialist

   or 701-231-2593

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