Mental Health

Providing Service and Support for Mental Health

This work group will work toward reducing stigma, supporting skills and habits to manage stress, strengthening resilience and provide and support timely access to mental health services and information to create a supportive campus culture. 

Contributing factors:

  • Students, faculty and staff have the education and resources to help them understand mental health issues, the services to address mental health needs, and the awareness and ability to access these resources.
  • Information, education and training are available and accessible about accessing resources, positive coping skills, stress management, resilience, self-management, substance use, supporting others, etc.
  • Collaborative work with student government and other student organizations to create awareness and action related to mental health issues.
  • Effective mental health programs and infrastructure are resourced and optimized to meet priority mental health needs.
  • Enhanced referral and support capacity for campus mental health services.
  • Reduced stigma of mental health on NDSU campus and in the surrounding community at large.


Syllabus Statement Example Language

CLICK HERE for examples of statements that could be included on your syllabi or website to remind students about mental health resources and that you are a mandated reporter under NDSU Policy 156.10 and NDSU Policy 162.7. Including information about campus resources and policy can go a long way toward reinforcing the message that NDSU cares about student well-being and does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, sexual misconduct, or intimate partner violence

Work Group Members

Emily Frazier Dean of Students / Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Bill Burns Director / Counseling Center
Jeremy Hamm Assistant Professor / Psychology / College of Science and Mathematics
Evan Johnson Student Rep / Interfraternity Council
Kayla Provencher Student Rep / Violence Prevention Educator
Faith Hoke* Student Rep / Student Health Services
Angela Reinke Student Case Manager / Dean of Students office
*ad-hoc member    
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