Global Seminar
Italy: Mediterranean Secrets to a Long Life
Discover the secrets of why people live over 100 years in "Blue Zones" as you explore Sardinia, Italy.
Prior to leaving for the global seminar, the class will meet two times. You will read texts and engage with other materials as it relates to what you will be seeing and learning while in Italy. Classes will consist of participatory activities designed to engage you in learning about the nine factors that contribute to longevity, specifically as the factors relate to Sardinia, Italy.
Once you land in Italy, guided tours and meetings with local experts will enhance your learning. This experiential-based course immerses you in the rich cultural traditions, diverse landscape, historical sites, and lifestyles of local Sardinians. There will be time in Italy for exploration on your own and personal reflection. You will deliver a final presentation of the factors contributing to longevity that were most important during the course.
Application Deadline: 12/1/2023
Course Term: Spring - PH 479/793/794 for 1-3 credit hours
Tentative Abroad Dates: May 23* - June 5, 2024
Eligibility: Sophmore, Junior, Senior, Graduate - Open to all majors
Program Instructor
Dr. Mary Larson
*Flights would be booked for May 22. Class begins on May 23 in Rome, Itay.