Sarah Swartz, MPH

Contract Tracer
Cass County


Fargo, ND - Undergraduate degree in Microbiology; minor in chemistry 

NDSU Specialization 

Management of Infectious Diseases 

How did the NDSU MPH prepare you for the workforce? 

My professors helped prepare me for the workforce by always expecting us to do our best, work hard, and solve problems. The NDSU MPH professors taught us valuable skills in public speaking, problem solving, and encouraged us to break out of our comfort zone to make the community a better place. Through my classes, GA, and in my last semester contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic, I learned invaluable skills that allowed me to enter into a full-time contact tracing position for Fargo Cass Public Health and directly use my skills in the workforce. 

Current position  

Contact Tracer - I want to do outbreak investigations and educate the public on sexual health/STIs/HIV-AIDS 

How are you impacting the health of your region? 

I am a contact tracer for Cass County and am directly working with my community to ensure that we stop the transmission of COVID-19 and keep everyone as safe as possible. We work with healthcare facilities, businesses, and families to identify close contacts and ensure those who are positive keep themselves and others safe.

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