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Well-being Resources

Stand Out as a Student

Navigating academics can present challenges at times throughout your college career. According to the Spring 2021 ACHA-NCHA survey, 42.7 % of NDSU students experienced challenges or problems with their academics. One of the toughest lessons learned by college students is not building strong relationships with their instructors while in school. The instructors teaching your courses can be a great resource to you. If you are looking for ways to boost your academic performance, want a deeper dive into some of your course material, or need more support in one of your classes,connecting with your instructor can set you up for success in the classroom. Here are a few ideas to help you stand out as a student.

Email Etiquette

The President’s Council for Campus Well-Being is providing you tips on how to e-mail your professor or advisor! From the Spring 2021 ACHA-NCHA survey data, 73.9% of NDSU students experienced problems or challenges with procrastination that led to poorer academic performance and even academic delays. It is important to set necessary deadlines to ensure academic success. One simple way is to email your instructor when you feel like you are falling behind or not meeting expectations set by the instructor. Touching base with your professor or advisor to discuss what is going great or not so well in your current semester can be a great way to start the conversation about your future semesters and how you can be successful! Take a look at these tips when emailing your professor!

Time Management

"If only I had more time, I know I would ace this assignment…” We’ve all thought this at one point. Let’s face it, time management for students is a universal problem. The President’s Council for Campus Well-Being understands that in addition to classes and studying, students have many other time commitments in the day. Students are also attending events, participating in physical activity, volunteering, and even working part- or full-time jobs which are all crucial to maintaining mental well-being and social connection. In fact, the ACHA-NCHA data shows that students spend an average of 16 hours a day (not including sleeping) completing various tasks and responsibilities.

Since time management is extremely important during your college years, we have provided a helpful list (download here) of ways to improve this area of well-being. Along with this list, we would also like to highlight the Navigate app that is provided for NDSU students as well as this time management calculator.

“Time management for students (and everyone else) is about being purposeful with your day. It’s about taking control of what time you do have and optimizing it for productivity, focus, and above all, balance” – Jory Mackay, 2019.

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