Absence Leniency / Extensions

Assignment extensions and absence leniency are accommodations provided to students with disabilities in a classroom setting. Assignment extensions refer to the flexibility given to students to complete their academic tasks within an extended time frame. This accommodation recognizes that students with disabilities may require additional time to complete assignments due to various factors related to their disability. It allows them to manage their workload effectively and ensures that they have a fair opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without being penalized for their disability-related challenges. Assignment extensions are typically granted on an individual basis, taking into account the specific needs and circumstances of the student.

Absence leniency, on the other hand, is an accommodation that acknowledges that students with disabilities may face unpredictable health or disability-related issues that can result in unavoidable absences from classes. This accommodation provides flexibility in attendance requirements, allowing students to miss a certain number of classes without penalty or making alternative arrangements for making up missed material. Absence leniency recognizes that the disability or health condition may cause intermittent or fluctuating symptoms that can impact a student's ability to consistently attend classes. By offering this accommodation, NDSU aims to support the educational journey of students with disabilities, ensuring they have the opportunity to succeed academically while managing their health or disability-related challenges.

The student and faculty should have a conversation to negotiate how their absences, lack of participation, may affect their course performance.

Faculty members are encouraged to use creativity and empathy, without fundamentally altering the nature of the course or the measures of assessment. There is no obligation to alter the learning outcomes to meet the student’s needs.  If you have any questions about this accommodation, please contact the Accessibility Specialist.

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