Extended Time for Exams and Quizzes

Extended time for exams and quizzes is crucial for students with disabilities in a NDSU classroom as it promotes equal opportunities and access to education. Many students with disabilities experience difficulties that affect their processing speed, attention, and cognitive functioning. By providing extended time, these students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities without being hindered by their disabilities. Extended time allows them to work at a pace that is comfortable for them, reducing the pressure and anxiety associated with time constraints. It also gives them the chance to fully engage with the exam or quiz content, ensuring that their responses reflect their true understanding and skills. Students typically will receive 1.5 - 2 times extension on exams and quizzes as an accommodation.

Various disabilities benefit from extended time on exams and quizzes. Students with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or dysgraphia, often struggle with reading, writing, or organizing their thoughts efficiently. The additional time enables them to process information, read questions carefully, and produce written responses more effectively. Students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have difficulty sustaining focus and managing their time during exams. Extended time allows them to take breaks, refocus, and complete the tasks without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Additionally, individuals with certain physical disabilities or medical conditions that affect their motor skills or energy levels may require extra time to complete tasks due to physical limitations.

The student and faculty should have a conversation to discuss how their late assignments may affect their course performance. Unlimited extensions of class assignments are not recommended, but allowing additional time relative to the duration of the flare-up may be appropriate.

Faculty members are encouraged to use creativity and empathy, without fundamentally altering the nature of the course or the measures of assessment. There is no obligation to alter the learning outcomes to meet the student’s needs.  If you have any questions about this accommodation, please contact the student’s Accessibility Specialist. 

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